M4m – M for mobility

M4m is an artistic mobility programme facilitating encounters, exchange and common work between emerging artists and professionals from the creative and cultural world taking part in the different steps of an art production, in order to professionalize this young generation by working on several European projects requiring a transdisciplinary experience.

M4m aims at:

  • developing professionalization synergies between emerging artists and professionals from the creative and cultural world in a European context
  • promote experiences’ exchanges and skills sharing to define several common work methods
  • extending the use of interactive technologies with e.mobility, an interactive community tool, as a catalyst for new kinds of communication
  • making readable the quality of a whole young generation of artists’ approaches, these ones who outline, by sharing, the points of view of tomorrow

M4m is built on:

  • workshops dedicated to experiences exchange and skills sharing
  • crossed creation residencies associating emerging artists and professionals from the creation and cultural world working together on a common production
  • communication actions with:
    • an interactive community tool facilitating exchanges, federating the set up of projects and increasing mobility in the European scene to ensure a large diffusion.
    • a diffusion programme for every work at a local, a national and a European level
    • M4m is the first part of a future artistic mobility programme which will gather together the different actors from the creative and cultural world in a vast professionalization process all over Europe.

M4m is developed by 7 cosignatories and 14 associated partners.

This programme is dedicated to:

  • artists / authors and interpreters.
  • visual arts: performers, video directors, movie directors, multimedia artists, designers, scenographers, photographs, graphic designers…
  • performing arts: choreographers, composers, directors, circus artists, dancers, musicians, actors…
  • professionals from the creation and cultural world light & sound technicians, stage managers, multimedia technicians, developers, programmer engineers, special effects technicians delegate producers, artistic directors, curators, production managers, mediators.


For further details go to:


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Resident partner