“The New Romanian drama and its perception”, a project started in 2005 and materialized in the “acting-reading” presentation of new plays which had never been staged..
The plays turned into reading shows were:
- Diabetes (Diabet), by Elena Maximov, directed by Sorin Militaru
- Eat your Kin (Mănâncă-ţi aproapele), by Marius Damian, directed by Traian Ştefan Şoimu
- Crises (Crize), by Mihai Ignat, directed by Corina Oprea
- Ninth Heaven (Al nouălea cer), by Marius Damian
- Amalia breathes deep (Amalia respiră adânc), by Alina Nelega Cadariu
- The shows were held during the Theatre Festival in Sf. Gheorghe and at the Cultural Centre of the Romanian Community in Vienna.
The Ministry of Culture and Cults