The Awards for the year 2008
The 17th edition of the Uniter Awards Gala was held on Monday, April 27 2009 in Studio 3 of the Romanian Television.
The nominees were selected by a jury made up of theatre critics Magdalena Boiangiu, Victor Scoradeţ and Ionuţ Sociu, and the final jury, the one who designated the winners, was made up of: Ştefan Caragiu, scenographer; Ion Cocora, theatre critic; Ileana Lucaciu, theatre critic; Mircea Rusu, actor; Cornel Todea, director
The Award for Debut
- Ioana Anastasia Anton for the part Ofelia in the show Hamlet staged at Metropolis Theatre, Bucharest
- Florina Gleznea for the part Martha in the show Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Cui i-e frică de Virginia Wolf) staged at Act Theatre, Bucharest
- Ionuţ Grama for the part George in the show Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Cui i-e frică de Virginia Woolf) staged at Act Theatre, Bucharest
Best Actress in a Supporting Part
- Valeria Seciu for the part Gloucester in the show Lear staged at Bulandra Theatre, Bucharest
- Tünde Skovrán for the part Natasha in the show Three Sisters (Trei surori) staged at the State Hungarian Theatre, Cluj-Napoca
- Ada Simionică for the part Hilda in the show And Bjork, of course staged at „Toma Caragiu” Theatre, Ploieşti
Best Actor in a Supporting Part
- András Hatházifor the part Andrei in the show Three Sisters (Trei surori) staged at the State Hungarian Theatre, Cluj-Napoca
- Sorin Leoveanu for the part Lucio in the show Measure for Measure (Măsură pentru măsură) staged at „Marin Sorescu” National Theatre, Craiova
- Tibor Pálffy for the part The Chamberlain (Şambelanul) in the show Ivona, Princess of Burgundy (Ivona, principesa Burgundiei) staged at „Támasi Áron” Theatre, Sfântu Gheorghe
Best Actress in a Leading Part
- Dorina Chiriac for the part Ioana in the show Ioana and the Fire (Ioana şi focul) staged at the Comedy theatre (Teatrul de Comedie), Bucharest
- Imola Kézdi for the part Masha in the show Three Sisters (Trei surori) staged at the State Hungarian Theatre, Cluj-Napoca
- Mariana Mihuţ for the leading part in the show Lear staged at Bulandra Theatre, Bucharest
Best Actor in a Leading Partmai bun actor în rol principal
- László Mátray for the part Prince Filip in the show Ivona, Princess of Burgundy (Ivona, principesa Burgundiei) staged at the „Támasi Áron” Theatre, Sfântu Gheorghe
- Victor Rebengiuc for the part Willy Loman in the show Death of a Salesman (Moartea unui comis voiajor) staged at Bulandra Theatre, Bucharest
- Zsolt Bogdán for the part Vershinin in the show Three Sisters (Trei surori) staged at the State Hungarian Theatre, Cluj-Napoca
Best scenography
- József Bártha for the scenery of the show Ivona, Princess of Burgundy (Ivona, principesa Burgundiei) staged at „Támasi Áron” Theatre, Sfântu Gheorghe
- Andrei Both for the scenery of the show Three Sisters (Trei surori) staged at the State Hungarian Theatre, Cluj-Napoca
- Velica Panduru for the scenery of the show The M Family Disease (Boala familei M) staged at „Mihai Eminescu” National Theatre, Timişoara
The Award for Best Director
- Radu Afrim for directing the show The Pillow-Man (Omul Pernă) staged at „Maria Filotti” Theatre, Brăila
- László Bocsárdi for directing the show Ivona, Princess of Burgundy (Ivona, principesa Burgundiei) staged at „Támasi Áron” Theatre, Sfântu Gheorghe
- Gábor Tompa for directing the show Three Sisters (Trei surori) staged at the State Hungarian Theatre, Cluj-Napoca
Best Show
- Ivona, Princess of Burgundy I(vona, principesa Burgundiei) – produced by „Támasi Áron” Theatre, Sfântu Gheorghe
- The Pillow-Man (Omul Pernă) – produced by „Maria Filotti” Theatre, Brăila
- Three Sisters (Trei surori) – produced by the State Hungarian Theatre, Cluj-Napoca
The Award for Radio Theatre
- Ionesco, Five Short Plays (Ionesco, cinci piese scurte) by Eugen Ionesco, directed by Alexandru Dabija, at the SRR (Romanian Radio Studio) Bucharest
- The Planet of Mediocrity (Planeta mediocrilor) by Ioan Groşan, directed by Attila Vizauer, at the SRR Bucharest
- The Killer (Ucigaş fără simbrie) by Eugen Ionesco, directed by Lucian Giurchescu, at the SRR Bucharest
The Awards offered by the UNITER Senate
The Award for Excellence
- Olga Tudorache
The Award for Lifelong Achievement
- Actress: Margareta Pogonat
- Actor: Mitică Popescu
- Scenographer: Dan Nemţeanu
- Director: Gelu Colceag
- Critic: Alice Georgescu
Special Award for Theatre Music
- Vlaicu Golcea
Special Award for Choreography in Performing Arts
- Păstorel Ionescu
The following Awards were also offered during the Gala:
Special Award of the President of UNITER
- Post mortem Ştefan Iordache
The Maecenas Award
- Mrs Carmen Palade Adamescu, President of UNIREA SHOPPING CENTER
The Award for Best Romanian Play of the Year 2008 – contest organized under the aegis of the Royal House of Romania and with the support of UNIREA Medical Centre
- “The Perfect Day” („Ziua perfectă”) by Antoaneta Zaharia