(Română) In Memoriam Malou Iosif

(Română) UNITER își exprimă profundul regret la plecarea dintre noi a balerinei și coregrafei MALOU IOSIF, la vârsta de 98 de ani, o artistă cu o excepțională contribuție la cultura României.

(Română) In Memoriam Nicolae Scarlat

(Română) A plecat dintre noi regizorul NICOLAE SCARLAT, personalitate marcantă a breslei teatrale românești (26.08.1940 – 18.07.2023).

(Română) Georges Banu, the Great Storyteller of World Theatre

(Română) Georges Banu left us at the beginning of this year, 2023, on a January night in Paris. The Night, the Oblivion, and the Rest were his personal obsessions, as in a Trilogy of the Removal. He left us for his own Cherry Orchard, where he would continue to tell Horatio’s stories and look at us smiling, ironically but kind-heartedly. Most likely he would watch the World Theatre from his box, and maybe he would even write to us.

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